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2 min read

Video Storytelling Creates Connections for Private Clubs

If you ask a private club marketer where their best prospects come from, chances are they will tell you from referrals. You know, word of mouth marketing (WOM). I get it. Happy and engaged club members are always a top referral source. But if you rely on referrals alone, WOM can spell nothing but trouble for growing your membership.

First, referrals are a notoriously unpredictable and unreliable way to forecast club revenue. Second, where do you think your referral is going to "check you out" after they hear about you? These days, they are probably going right to your website, the digital entryway to your prestigious club, and other digital assets like Facebook. And that's the issue, because if you aren't careful, your website will look very similar to every other private club website. Then, when your warm referral is looking for validation that your club is worthy of their attention, all your leads are finding is www.genericclub.com.

Video storytelling is the number one way to make your online presence more relevant to your target audience and create a unique connection. Here are some ways to think about leveraging the power of video at your club.

Tell Your Members' Stories

What is unique to your club are your own unique stories, your member’s stories. Stories are rooted in relationships, which is one of the primary drivers of membership retention.

Your stories can’t be found on any other website. Your warm referral is asking the question when they get to your site, “Can I see myself and my family fitting in here?" One of the easiest ways to showcase the personality of your club is through video. Here is a simple but powerful example of a relationship that has evolved in a special way because of a shared love of golf.

Tell Your Club’s Stories

There’s a saying that you have about 10 seconds to make a first impression. If you are going to capture the attention of a prospective member on your website or social media community, you can unequivocally pack more into 10 seconds of video than any other medium. The Governor’s Club, located in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, does a fantastic job creating an immediate connection with their audience, showcasing their tranquil surroundings as their Facebook cover video. This short video uniquely tells the story of their club with the absence of any overtures that they are trying to “sell” you on their membership. After about 30 seconds I wanted to know more! 

Let Your Bride and Groom Tell Your Story

Video storytelling is especially powerful when you have happy guests. When you can capture on camera the newly married bride and groom willing to share the magical moments choreographed by your team of experts, you can be sure this fosters a connection for other bride and grooms looking for the same experience. Here is a short video testimonial that has helped convert many wedding inquiries into closed opportunities at Hazeltine National Golf Club in Chaska, Minnesota.


PRO TIP: Video storytelling doesn’t just happen. You have to look for the right stories to build your strategy. Here is a 30-minute webinar designed to help you identify the stories in your organization.


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