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How to Conduct a Website Audit That Boosts Your Company’s Bottom Line

Written by Lisa Schmidtke | November 07, 2023

For many organizations, the fourth quarter is a time for budgeting and planning for next year. If you are responsible for creating the marketing budget, don’t overlook your website. Gone are the days when websites could simply be “built and forgotten.” If your website remains static but your competitors stay on top of technological shifts, search engine algorithm changes, and user expectations, their websites will likely capture more customers than yours.

That’s why yearly website reviews are essential. Website audits can spotlight both new opportunities and looming issues.

Here's an overview of website audits, who's best suited to conduct them, and what deliverables to expect.

What Is a Website Audit?

An audit evaluates your website's ability to attract and convert your target audience, analyzing search engine performance and user experience.

Using tools like website graders, analytics software, and your customer relationship management system (CRM), the audit gathers data on visitor behavior, keyword performance, lead conversion rates, and competitor comparisons. After collecting the data, a team should analyze and suggest website improvements in a final report for the leadership team.

A website audit is a big undertaking that requires a diverse skill set, so it’s crucial to identify the right team to run yours.

Who Should Run a Website Audit?

The important thing is that someone “owns” the audit process. Ideally, you can assign a project manager who pulls the rest of the team together. A mix of roles is best–a designer, a website developer, marketers, and your organization’s leadership.

The audit team handles technical details, which the project manager should clarify for marketing leaders. Involve these leaders early to ensure they grasp the audit's purpose, process, and potential update costs.

Pro Tip: The project manager will need access to various website accounts to start the audit. Get them access right away. This sounds like a housekeeping step, but it commonly causes delays. It’s important to know who in your organization has access to accounts connected to your website.

What are the Website Audit Deliverables?

A successful audit offers two primary deliverables: raw data and a comprehensive report of findings and recommendations. That way, it’s easy for the decision makers to get the “so what?” and check the team’s work if needed.

Audit Data

Data should be understandable, include definitions for any technical jargon, and encompass these topics:

Final Report

Here’s where the magic happens. To bring the whole story together, we believe the final report should include a summary of the following:

  • Purpose of Website Audit
  • Website Audit Process
  • Keyword Report
  • Website Strengths
  • Website Opportunities
  • Website Recommendations
  • Scope and Pricing for Updates

If your team lacks the expertise for a thorough analysis, consider working with an outside partner. Audits ensure your website continues to effectively reflect your brand, align with your digital strategy, and keep pace with evolving trends.