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The Complete Guide:

HubSpot for Private Clubs

Create a Long-Term, Sustainable Club Marketing Approach


If you’re a private club membership director (or you employ one), this might sound familiar:

My day starts with a flurry of emails: member inquiries, event RSVPs, birthday shoutouts, and newsletter approvals. I prioritize member needs first, then schedule a few social media posts, send recruitment emails, and schedule new member interviews.

The problem is, I just don’t have enough time to juggle member needs with our recruitment efforts. I don’t have enough sticky notes or calendar slots to keep track of everything. And if our waitlist is drying up, I feel even more pressure to fill it.

Private clubs have traditionally relied on conservative, long-standing member recruitment and retention processes, driven primarily by member referral, feedback, and word of mouth. Sometimes they’re simply hamstrung by limited resources, or they believe that modern, digital marketing is just too complex to understand.

We get it. We’ve covered the importance of digital marketing for private clubs before. For many club leaders, general managers, membership directors, and board members, the issue isn’t one of will—it’s an issue of means. They know that their existing member acquisition processes are unreliable. They know that they must adapt to attract younger, digitally savvier members.

They just don’t know how, at least without spending too much money or completely overhauling their current systems.

hubspot pillar for clubs400

Short on time? 

Take this guide with you. Discover the HubSpot difference at your own pace.

hubspot-sprocket-35hHubSpot can help.

This guide will explain how private clubs can use HubSpot to build a long-term, sustainable approach to member acquisition, member engagement, event management, reporting, and website development.


How Private Clubs Can Use HubSpot



No More Sticky Notes

Sustainable Member Recruitment

Your current member recruitment process might resemble a patchwork of emails, calendars, sticky notes, and reminders. Leads might come through the website via a form, prompting you to respond, build the relationship, and arrange a tour. It’s risky to ask one person to juggle these responsibilities, especially if they also manage current member engagement and communication needs.

Member acquisition and lead generation are increasingly finicky processes. You need to strike the right balance between attracting new members without compromising the existing club culture. You need to adapt to younger generations, who might have different expectations from a private club than current members. You need to craft a compelling application process, personally vet prospective members, nurture leads over time, and tailor messaging to resonate with drastically different audiences.

It requires a more long-term, sustainable, and nuanced approach–and likely more time than most membership directors have.

hubspot-sprocket-35hHow HubSpot can help:

Prospect needs evolve as they move through the membership journey. One technology platform can’t (and shouldn’t) serve all member recruitment functions. 

Engaged and Excited

Sustainable Member Engagement

Clubs aren’t just facing external pressure from member recruitment. They also need to keep their current members engaged and excited. The daily grind for a membership director might include calls with unhappy members, community event management, relationship development, and new member onboarding. Members' needs and expectations evolve. Balancing traditional offerings with innovative experiences to cater to changing demographics and interests can be a constant challenge.

Members can also become complacent if the club's offerings don’t evolve. Clubs need to develop new events, programs, and amenities–which usually means more time and ongoing investment.

The same long-term, sustainable approach used for member recruitment also applies to member retention. You aren’t growing as a club if you keep shedding members.

hubspot-sprocket-35hHow HubSpot can help:

Clubs must tailor their communication to ensure everyone feels valued and has a seamless experience. That starts by keeping track of how members communicate. 

Memorable and Successful

Event Management

Private club membership directors and general managers are often teams of one. Whenever they aren’t fielding member inquiries, nurturing prospect leads, and sending member newsletters, they’re focusing on the other major part of their jobs: event management.

From securing vendors and booking venues to managing catering, staffing, and audio-visual equipment, there are many logistical details to coordinate. But they also must keep members informed about upcoming events, manage RSVPs, and send timely event reminders.

Private club event management also requires a long-term, sustainable approach–ideally driven by a centralized system.

hubspot-sprocket-35hHow HubSpot can help:

Each event has its own identity, so it should also have customized outreach. Tailor event descriptions and visuals to appeal to specific member segments. 

Value in Data

Analytics and Reporting

A club’s membership data might be spread across various systems: spreadsheets for applications, email platforms for communication, MembersFirst for event registrations. This data jumble makes it difficult to get a complete view of member and prospect activity–and makes it harder for clubs to track marketing and engagement performance.

Membership directors spend too much time manually compiling data, creating reports, and trying to draw insights. They rely on spreadsheets or legacy club management software simply because they haven't found alternatives–or they feel that they don’t have the money to pay for one.

In the end, major club decisions are made on gut instinct, rather than actual member behavior. Private clubs need a long-term, sustainable approach to analytics and reporting.

hubspot-sprocket-35hHow HubSpot can help:

Custom reporting dashboards allow you to understand your members and prospects on a deeper level, and adapt your services to meet their evolving needs. 

Seamless Online Experiences

Website Development and Management

If you’ve committed to refreshing your club’s website, prepare yourself for extensive research, planning, time, energy, and resources. And that’s before the new website launches. If the current site is built on an older content management system (CMS) or a club software platform, you might struggle to reach prospects with modern or mobile-friendly devices.

Anything that simplifies the website development process will let you focus on recruiting new members and retaining current ones. A modern, responsive website can help you bolster your sales and outreach efforts.

hubspot-sprocket-35hHow HubSpot can help:

Many content management systems still require users to know HTML and CSS. But most membership directors don’t have time to learn code. 

Reducing Manual Effort

Marketing and Social Automation

Creating high-quality private club content, like blog posts, social media updates, or email newsletters, takes time–especially for busy membership directors with limited resources. If they’re doing everything manually, they won’t have time to explore new marketing strategies for member acquisition and retention. 

They might manually create and send email blasts to the entire membership list, lacking personalization. They might manually post social updates and respond to comments, whenever they have a free moment. Marketing and social becomes a huge time sink, on top of all their other duties.

This is why automation matters. With marketing and social automation, directors can quickly follow up with potential members who express interest through the website or event. They can build, maintain, schedule, and publish consistent content assets to inform members. And they can maintain a steady flow of social activity with new prospects.

Automation provides a long-term, sustainable approach to member engagement, management, and content.

hubspot-sprocket-35hHow HubSpot can help:

Private clubs need a strong, targeted, and relevant content strategy to attract new members, engage existing ones, and cultivate a thriving community. 

hubspot-sprocket-35hHubSpot Pricing Tiers

We’d be remiss if we didn’t cover the cost of selecting a CRM or marketing automation solution. Many private clubs have constrained budgets for new projects, especially if they need to prioritize existing club and member experiences.

Luckily, HubSpot offers a range of pricing options designed to meet the diverse needs of private clubs, from small exclusive clubs to large multi-facility organizations.

We can start by talking about all the things that private clubs can do with HubSpot–without paying a penny.

Free Tools

HubSpot offers several free tools that can provide essential marketing, sales, and customer service functions. These tools can be particularly beneficial for smaller private clubs, or for clubs just beginning to implement digital marketing.

Some free HubSpot tools include:

•  Email marketing, including drag-and-drop editing features, pre-built templates, and email automation

•  Ad management, including ad retargeting for simple website audiences

•  1-to-1 live chats with visitors as they browse your site

•  CRM capabilities, including list segmentation

These free tools allow clubs to engage with potential members, manage inquiries, and streamline communications without financial commitment. They can help clubs enhance their outreach and member engagement without incurring significant costs.

Paid Tiers

If your club is ready to expand with HubSpot, there are several paid tiers to meet your needs:

Flexible pricing options make it easier for private clubs to find a plan that fits their budget, while still accessing the tools they need to enhance member experiences and operations. 

hubspot-sprocket-35hHubSpot FAQs

When private clubs consider adopting HubSpot, they typically have several common questions. Many ask about its functionality, benefits, and integration with their existing operations.

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) that private clubs often have:


Private clubs are fighting against changing demographics and preferences. They need to adapt to newer generations, modernize their recruitment operations, and reduce strain on their membership directors.

That’s why we actively advocate for HubSpot. HubSpot supports membership directors with tools that can automate many manual functions, enabling them to spend more time recruiting and retaining members. The result is a high-touch, personalized experience for prospective members, timely and tailored to their needs.

If you need help onboarding HubSpot, or if you’re still wondering if HubSpot is worth the cost, you can sign up for a free trial or schedule a demo. If you have further questions on integrations or management, let us know!

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Ready to Chat?

Grab a time on my calendar to discuss your
membership goals and objectives.

Kathy Heil, Partner
