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Premium Club Videos
Made Strategic

Your club's reputation is paramount. We understand its importance and leverage the power of video to share your unique brand story with the local community.

Single Video:

$8,000 – $12,000* 

Identifying the most impactful stories to showcase your club can be a strategic challenge. Our team collaborates closely with you to uncover narratives that connect with your target audience. We provide a comprehensive production experience, seamlessly managing every stage, from pre-production planning to post-production editing—ensuring your vision comes to life.

*Cost of a single video depends on project complexity. For a realistic estimate, contact us with the details of your video project.

Video Series:


Planning is key. We help craft a strategic video shoot that delivers a library of content for your website, social media, and marketing campaigns. Maximize your investment, not your shoot time. Schedule a consultation to discuss your goals. We'll create a video strategy that aligns with your vision and maximizes impact.

Video Retainer

(monthly, quarterly, or annual)*

Our retainer program offers a strategic solution. Enjoy competitive pricing and consistent production quality, ensuring your marketing efforts maintain a professional polish. We partner with you to develop a continuous video strategy designed to attract new members and fuel your club's ongoing success.

*Budgets vary based on the number of projects.

Ready to Chat?

Grab a time on my calendar to discuss your
membership goals and objectives.

Kathy Heil, Partner
