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3 min read

Use Blogging To Jumpstart Your Club's Venue Marketing

As a private club marketer, you’ve likely heard that today’s consumers prefer learning about brands through online content instead of traditional advertising methods. Often, this means writing valuable blog content. But the benefits of blogging aren’t just for consumers. According to DemandMetric, organizations with blogs produce nearly 70% more average monthly leads than those that don’t. And the digital marketing gurus at Hubspot cite that “marketers who prioritized blogging received 13X more ROI than companies that didn’t in 2019.”

Even in the private club space, blogging has become a vital component of a successful and well-rounded marketing plan, especially to connect and educate potential members as well as showcasing wedding and event spaces for members and non-members alike. Traditional marketing methods like word-of-mouth marketing are no longer a stand-alone practice for growing membership and event revenue.

Blogging is one of the most under-utilized tools in many private clubs’ marketing tool chests, but it can be the secret sauce to help attract and engage with new visitors and prospects on your website. Here's how:


wedding-GreystoneBlogs help provide helpful information to potential customers in a non-salesy way -- you wouldn't be reading this blog if that weren't true. These days, people go to the web to search and research their pain points.

Picture a newly engaged couple. While they may have participated in or attended weddings before, this is their big day, and they want to make it memorable. They are also working within a budget and may not know what their best options are. With an overwhelming amount of questions on their mind, they turn to Google for answers.

You want your blog to provide direct answers to their questions even if this couple has never heard of you. By answering their pressing questions, you have now offered them valuable information on their journey. Then, they notice that you also host weddings at your venue. Your content has offered value and built trust, and this is the point where you take the relationship to the next level and work to convert them from a reader to a client. Here’s an example blog from Greystone Golf & Country Club that informs, builds trust, and promotes their venue to prospective couples.


Before you sit down at your computer, it's important to plan out the topics you will cover in your blog content.

While your blog must provide good, educational content, it's also critical that your blog posts be consistent. Don't write one excellent blog, then make your audience wait two months before you publish another one. Companies that have succeeded and set the bar for blogging usually write at least one blog post a week.

At StoryTeller, we find it valuable to take the time to put together an editorial calendar on either a monthly or quarterly basis. When you have a set plan, it's easier to execute.


Brainstorming blog topics may feel like the most challenging part, but it’s very fun once you get started! Remember, you’re thinking of ways to share your knowledge and expertise and serve your customers as early as possible in their buyer’s journey. Think of yourself as a trusted guide. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Frequently Asked Questions: One of the best places to start cultivating blog topics is your frequently asked questions. For example, you may discover that most couples ask about venue capacity, and there's more that goes into that answer than many think. So, why not write a blog on it?

Trends: Many brides follow wedding trends, especially since the advent of Pinterest. But you don't necessarily have to write about how "on trend" your venue is (especially if it's not). Show your knowledge of the trends, then highlight reasons why breaking away from these could be important.

Share Opinions: Is there a buzz about a hot topic in the bridal industry? Write about it — especially if you have a unique perspective. These are frequently some of the best performing blogs we have but, all too often, people shy away from being disruptive. (i.e. Why Country Clubs are Great Wedding Venues for Same-Sex Marriages)

Storytelling: This is my favorite type of content because this is what resonates with people. For instance, share stories of couples who hosted weddings at your venue. Check out another post by Greystone Golf & Country Club for an excellent example. Don't just describe what they ate and how they decorated the space; make sure it’s about them. What was this couple like that made them want to get married in this space? How did they meet? What did they look for when they were visiting venues? People love to learn more about the wedding couple, so let their details shine.


Blogging offers a unique opportunity to attract new traffic to our clients and our own websites through providing valuable information and wisdom to information seekers who may become customers. As humans living in a digital age, we are all full of questions and instantly turn to the web to find answers. Blogging as part of your venue marketing strategy helps the leads flow.

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