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—Case Study—

Golfer’s Paradise Attracting Next Generation of Members

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Oak Hill is a precious gem of a private golf club. Nestled in the hills of western New Jersey, between New York and Philadelphia, it was a well-kept secret. Members love it for its golf culture, camaraderie, and stupendous playing conditions.


The Challenge

Oak Hill’s website was outdated. It didn’t fully convey the beauty of the course nor bring to life the value of the dining facilities, juniors’ and women’s programs, and member-led events. More importantly, it wasn’t driving new membership. Word-of-mouth referrals had been enough in the past, but club leaders wanted to be proactive in bringing in more members.

The Partnership

Oak Hill partnered with StoryTeller to update its digital marketing strategy and become data-driven and strategic in growing its membership. StoryTeller works with premier clubs across the country, providing them with the tools their teams need to reach their membership and event goals. Oak Hill’s new website was completed within its $24,000 budget and 90-day timeline, which are both standard terms for a website project of this size. 


The Solutions

Website Update

StoryTeller redesigned Oak Hill’s website on the HubSpot Content Hub with an updated color scheme, style guide, persona-targeted messages, and captivating imagery. It also worked seamlessly with Oak Hill’s existing member portal hosted on the Northstar platform. The new site is optimized for search engines so people are much more likely to find the club online. 

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111% Growth in organic web traffic with the new website.

Membership Guide

StoryTeller created a visually appealing digital membership guide to showcase Oak Hill’s unique community of golfers. The guide incorporated brand elements from the new website and was made available as a PDF as well as a dynamic Flipbook embedded on a web page. This allows prospects to research the club on their own at their leisure. By requiring an email address to download the guide, Oak Hill generated qualified leads directly into their HubSpot system, allowing them to nurture these potential members with targeted communication.

114 Membership Guide downloads in the first 5 months.

Membership Campaign

StoryTeller helped Oak Hill nurture new member leads with an automated email workflow. This gives prospects the information they want as they move along the journey toward membership. This freed up the Oak Hill team to focus on giving tours, one-on-one meetings, and signing new members who were ready to act.

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Sales Training

StoryTeller conducted a live, virtual, hands-on training session with Oak Hill’s team to maximize their HubSpot customer relationship management (CRM) subscription for lead management purposes. The free CRM tools reduce dependency on spreadsheets and data entry. The CRM notifies staff when a prospect opens an email or visits their website. They can then use that information to follow up at the right time via live chat, email, or call. Equipping the Oak Hill sales team with these time-saving tools enables them to close more deals with less effort.

"It has been an absolute pleasure on my end to work with the folks over at StoryTeller through many projects. Everything came out better than I had expected with the website, the membership guide, as well as the automated email campaign. I cannot thank the team enough for everything that was accomplished in such a short period."

Matthew Monti
Membership Director at Oak Hill

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Ready to Chat?

Grab a time on my calendar to discuss your
membership goals and objectives.

Lisa Schmidtke
Digital Advertising & Website Specialist