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Winning Webinar Best Practices that Will Skyrocket Your Success [VIDEO]

Written by Kevin Page | June 14, 2017

Webinars are a great way to connect with your prospects online, but just like any marketing tactic, there are a lot of things that you need to consider to be as effective as possible. Whether you’ve done several webinar or you are just getting started, here a few ideas that will help you skyrocket the success of your webinars.

1. Start with Your Registration Page

Make sure you are communicating in terms of the benefits for the viewer. This is your first opportunity to really ‘Wow” them with great content that shows them you care. 

2. Use Lead Nurturing to Create a Relationship

By sending a few messages before and after your webinar, you can show value, help people better prepare for the webinar, provide helpful follow up content and show that you are interested in helping them succeed. 


3. Get Familiar with the Technology

There are a lot of potential technology landmines when it comes to producing webinars. Spend time practicing and learning how to fix problems that might arise. Conduct test webinars to make sure you know what the process is for going live. Make sure that you go through every button and menu of your webinar software.

Depending on your current setup, you may want to invest in a better headset or webcam. Just be sure that your tech set up is making a good first impression. 

4. Stop Talking About Yourself

Nothing gets viewers to close a webinar screen faster than realizing the presenters are going to talk exclusively about their company. Make sure that your content is focused and relevant. Webinars are not sales calls, they should be informative and helpful!

5. Provide Information that your viewers can really use

Thought leadership is great, but if you can provide something that makes someone go jump into action, that’s the real win.

These are just a few best practices that will help you create highly successful webinars that your viewers love. Have more great ideas? Let us know in the comments!