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StoryTeller Wins 4th Midwest Regional Emmy® Award

Written by Ed Heil | November 07, 2016

From the beginning, I thought it would be fun to have a video company that could produce video content powerful enough to win awards. Back in 2005, I really didn't know if we would ever be able to pull it off and yet, last week, StoryTeller earned it's fourth Upper Midwest Regional Emmy® Award on the shoulders of our wonderfully talented video production team of Kari Jo Faulhaber and Rob Theoret. This dynamic duo came together to tell the emotional and inspiring story of Jim Chalmers — a marathon runner who lives with Cri Du Chat syndrome, a rare genetic disorder. 


READ MORE: Kari Jo's Blog About Jim Chalmers

As a business owner, you try your best to create a healthy environment for your people to grow and develop by producing work that makes a difference for the clients you serve. Our entire team does this every day, which fills me with pride. Then, when your team delivers on the company mission every day AND gets recognized for its tremendous work — that's even sweeter. Thank you, Jim Chalmers, for sharing your story with us and congratulations to Rob and Kari Jo for being recognized for your outstanding storytelling!

WATCH MORE: Stories for the Soul Series