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3 min read

Beyond the Brochure: 6 Non-Traditional Marketing Tactics for Clubs

This article was featured by Boardroom Magazine on November 9, 2024. Click here to read the full LinkedIn article.

Old-school advertising has never been a good fit for private clubs. Any intimation that a club needs members has never been a good look. However, the marketing landscape has changed dramatically over the last 10 years, thanks to Google and the ability to find information on just about anything - including your club. In the same spirit, prospective members have also evolved. They want to explore membership opportunities on their own terms, gather information, and compare clubs at their convenience. For many clubs, this means adopting online strategies to attract new members who will become the club's future.

What is Non-Traditional Marketing for Private Clubs?

We think of non-traditional marketing as a creative, strategic online approach to connect with target members in fresh, memorable ways. For private clubs, this might mean:

  • Content marketing to educate potential members

  • Immersive experiences that showcase your club's culture

  • Storytelling that brings the club's unique vibe and community to life

  • Collaborations that broaden the club's reach

This is a departure from the standard new member recruiting model used by most clubs. Sure, you may have a wonderful collection of members, but without more information that is easily accessible online, your club looks like any other. The focus needs to shift to a more welcoming and engaging approach that inspires genuine connections. Just because your club appears approachable doesn't mean it's not exclusive.

6 Non-Traditional Marketing Ideas for Private Clubs

1. Answer the Questions of Your Prospective Members: Today's consumers are hungry for information, and prospective club members are no exception. By creating content on your website that directly addresses your prospects' questions, concerns, and pain points, you can establish your club as a trusted resource and authority in the industry. This could be blog posts, an FAQ section of your website, or social posts addressing membership queries.

2. Help Members Create Their Own Stories: When members have memorable experiences at your club, they naturally become advocates, eager to share their stories. By intentionally crafting these "shareable moments," you can turn your members into powerful word-of-mouth promoters. Develop a process to highlight member stories through blog posts, testimonial videos, and social media. Tagging members in these posts allows them to easily share extending your club's reach and amplifying positive impressions.

3. Educate Potential Members: Today's consumers are more informed than ever when making substantial decisions like joining a club. Educating prospective members on the value, amenities, and culture can build trust, remove barriers, and smooth the membership journey. This educational content could include a membership guide with beautiful imagery, a description of membership categories and pricing, video walkthroughs, or an online resource hub. The key is to position your club as a helpful partner.

4. Show You Care: Today's consumers, especially the next generation of members, favor organizations committed to their community and social responsibility. By showcasing your club's philanthropic initiatives and volunteer efforts, you highlight your club's values and create a sense of purpose that prospective members appreciate. Share these stories on your website, social media, and newsletters to reflect your club's positive impact.

5. Embrace Interactivity: Traditional club marketing is often one-way, with the club pushing information to prospective members. However, creating interactive experiences online invites two-way engagement, building connections and making your club more memorable. This could mean using "chat" tools for quick responses, hosting live Q&As in your social channels, or using QR codes in your communication, allowing members to connect with and experience your club directly.

6. Start a Podcast: With podcasting exploding in popularity—nearly one-quarter of Americans now tuning in regularly—a club-branded podcast is an excellent way to showcase your club's personality, values, and expertise. Interviewing leaders, featuring member stories, or discussing industry trends can build authority and foster a loyal following, expanding your club's reach and resonance with potential members. The Olympic Club hosts a podcast called "The Winged 'O' Podcast," highlighting Olympic Club members, recognizing their accomplishments, and updating members on club projects, events, and news impacting membership.

Embrace the Non-Traditional

For private clubs, standing out from the competition requires a willingness to think "outside the box." The future of club marketing is about so much more than brochures and events. It's about creating experiences, telling stories, and building authentic relationships. What are you going to do to elevate your marketing in 2025?

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