Crushing Club Marketing | Brought to You by StoryTeller Club Marketing

Revamping Club Membership: Sandra Petti’s Journey with HubSpot

Written by Kathy Heil | July 16, 2024

Membership marketing in the private club world is an ever-present challenge, and Sandra Petti knows it intimately. Petti, the Chief of Staff and Membership Marketing Director at Nashawtuc Country Club spoke with me about how her club addressed that challenge.

In 2020, Nashawtuc embarked on significant capital improvements to enhance its physical appearance and revitalize its culture and membership dynamics. The club wanted to modernize and attract a younger demographic, so Sandra needed to manage a surge in membership inquiries and ensure seamless communication with prospective members. But the manual processes she relied on couldn’t handle the new workload.

Sandra reevaluated her tools and ultimately adopted HubSpot software, which provided the automation and efficiency needed to keep up with the growing demands and maintain a high level of personalized engagement with potential and current members. 
Sandra shared her experience with  HubSpot and how it has impacted her job.

Q: What led you to bring HubSpot on board?

A: As Chief of Staff, I have to manage membership and marketing. Before HubSpot, we handled all prospective member leads manually. Leads would come through the website via a form, and I’d follow up through email to build relationships, arrange tours, and onboard new members. Juggling these responsibilities, alongside the club's renovation, wasn’t sustainable. That’s why we adopted HubSpot.

Q: How did you manage your communications before HubSpot?

A: Before HubSpot, everything was manual. I would say to myself, "They need to be contacted again. They need to be contacted again." I relied on memory and email folders to keep track of leads, jotting down notes from phone interviews and meetings. COVID-19 made phone interviews more common, but it also just made it harder to manage everything manually.  I often sent notes to myself by email so I wouldn’t sound  "canned," I set calendar reminders to stay on top of tasks.

Q: How did HubSpot change your membership communications?

A: It’s made my communications far more automated and personalized. I can use templates and automated sequences to send timely reminders and invitations. Since everything is automated, I’m less worried about losing track of leads or prospects falling through the cracks.”

Q: What were the main challenges HubSpot helped you overcome?

A: HubSpot helped reduce the number of missed follow-ups and improve tracking. With HubSpot, I can quickly access and update prospect information, which allows me to provide a smooth and personalized journey. I love the platform's note-taking feature. I can add personal notes to prospect records, like if a prospect took a trip to Italy and ask about it when they return.

Q: What are some of your favorite features of HubSpot?

A: The task and reminder features have significantly streamlined my work. Instead of using sticky notes and calendar reminders, I now have tasks pop up directly in the workflow, which helps me keep everything on track. The real-time email tracking feature has been particularly helpful, allowing me to follow up with prospects as soon as they engage with emails.

For example, I’ll get a notification that “Kathy opened an email,” and I haven't spoken to Kathy in a year! I send her a "just thinking of you" email, and they (the prospects) are blown away by the timing.

I’ve also found great value in the reporting tool. I’m a big proponent of using the deals in the CRM and attaching the opportunity's value. The pipeline dashboards and the associated deal values give me clear data for board meetings and help me showcase the department's revenue.

Q: What was the experience like adapting to HubSpot?

A: Thanks to its user-friendly interface and excellent support team, our transition to HubSpot was smooth. The training process was intimidating but well-paced and manageable. I think with any kind of new software, a good trainer will be able to identify their student's skill level and savviness. They held my hand when I needed it and were hands-off when I had it figured out.

Q: What advice would you give to membership directors who are hesitant about adopting new technology?

A: I highly recommend HubSpot for membership directors who are hesitant about adopting new technology or dissatisfied with their current tools. Think of HubSpot as preparing a room for painting: setting up the system is like taping the windows and laying out your project. You fly through the painting afterward. Once you do the setup correctly, everything becomes more efficient.

Q: How does HubSpot integrate with other systems?

A: HubSpot integrates seamlessly with our club's website, hosted by MembersFirst. While I’m the primary user, other departments, like the events team, can benefit from it too. Building templates for everyday inquiries, such as wedding or shower bookings, is straightforward.

Q: What is the importance of having a strategy when implementing HubSpot?

A: Implementing HubSpot requires a clear strategy. New membership directors need a structured process and predefined steps for engaging prospects. Having a strategy ensures that HubSpot can enhance efficiency and effectiveness rather than just adding another layer of complexity.

Q: How has HubSpot's mobile app impacted your work?

A: HubSpot's mobile app is a game-changer. It allows me to respond to leads even on weekends, ensuring a smooth workflow on Mondays. This responsiveness helps make a great first impression and maintains our high customer service and hospitality standards. Some people work like that, and some don’t. I’m an organized, planned person, so as the notifications pop up, I get them off my plate right away. Most people want information right away, so they usually respond, "Wow, that was fast!."

Q: How has HubSpot impacted your role and the club?

A: HubSpot has not only streamlined my workload but also enriched the club's membership experience. Its automation, personalization, and efficient tracking capabilities make it an indispensable tool for any membership director looking to enhance their operations.