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Crushing Club Marketing Blog

Every week we'll bring you fresh content to help you take your marketing to the next level and feature stories of individuals who are crushing club marketing.


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Storytelling Components: The 4 Laws of an Effective Company Story

Editor's Note: This post was updated for relevance and accuracy April 30, 2024. We spend a lot of time helping our clients choose and tell the...

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Blog Marketing: How to Write Blog Titles That Get Search Results

By now you know that blog marketing is a great way to reach your prospects online. But you also know that your prospects are bombarded with marketing...

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What Is Inbound Marketing? 5 Simple Steps to Connect With Customers

Admit it. If you've ever been asked to explain inbound marketing to somebody, you've stumbled through basic terms like "create content" and "capture...

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5 Clever Ways to Leverage Existing Content to Maximize Lead Conversion

When it comes to inbound marketing, content is king. Inbound marketing is driven by the belief that every company has valuable content for any...

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Creating Lead Prioritization: How Lead Scoring Can Save Time & Money

"Efficiency is getting things done right, effectiveness is getting the right things done." - Peter Drucker [Tweet this] In business (and marketing),...

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Blog Marketing Techniques: Four Tips for Sharing on Social Media

Blog marketing is a great tool for your website and your company. It helps with search engine ranking, and you can use it for everything from...

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Convert More Leads by Aligning Content to the Buyer Journey

As consumers, we're constantly bombarded by messages and advertisements telling us the new thing that we NEED to have in our lives – cars, insurance,...

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Blog Marketing Techniques: How to Choose a Topic for Your Post

So, you've started your blog. You've set up your template, you've picked out your font, and now you're staring at a blank screen. What are you...

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Subscribe Now: The 5 Best Marketing Podcasts Under 30 Minutes

In the fast-paced world of marketing, it's crucial to be connected with the latest ideas, trends and information. Subscribing to blogs can be a great...

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Our Favorite Twin Cities PR Agencies

When we made the decision to focus on inbound marketing and video marketing as our core business we needed Twin Cities PR agencies to recommend for...

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Why Warm, Inbound Leads Trump Cold Calls

3 Benefits to Warm Sales Leads You do your research, you identify your prospect, get your elevator pitch in order, and 3-2-1: You pick up the phone...

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How to Send a Press Release in the Digital Age

The press release is still a viable communications tool for organizations hoping to disseminate newsworthy information to the masses, contrary to the...

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StoryTeller Turns 10 Years Old

Happy birthday, StoryTeller! Wow, where did the years go? Seems like just the other day you were born and now look at you. 10-years old. I swear, I...

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4 Lead Nurturing Rules to Start Following Today

Someone Just Converted On Your Website. What Now? You just received an email notification informing you that someone has filled out a form on your...

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5 (More) Free Stock Image Websites

Bookmark These Free Stock Image Websites Back in November, we published a post called 10 Free Stock Image Websites. (We've found morguefile.com to be...

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What is Inbound Marketing?

What is inbound marketing and how is inbound marketing different than content marketing? HubSpot coined the phrase "inbound marketing" back in 2006...

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The 10 Content Marketing Benchmarks Worth Tracking

One of the beautiful things about Internet marketing is the ability to track the success of your efforts better than ever before. There are dozens of...

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urban townhomes

Why Guest Blogging Is Important

Guest Blogging Can Be A Game-Changer Let's be honest. Guest blogging can seem like a pain in the butt. Asking people to write 500 words in exchange...

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