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Crushing Club Marketing Blog

Every week we'll bring you fresh content to help you take your marketing to the next level and feature stories of individuals who are crushing club marketing.


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Choosing a CRM that Works for Your Private Club [Episode 18]

The sales cycle in the private club industry can be a long one. It might even take years from the time a prospective member expresses interest to the...

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5 Unique Promotion Ideas for Marketing and Brand Awareness in 2019

As we kick off the new year, it can be difficult to come up with new, creative and unique promotional ideas that will help you meet your goals. If...

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Making Video Accessible for Your Club (Jason Hsaio) [Episode 17]

Feeling like you're always one step behind in your marketing efforts? If you're a club marketer, you’re probably nodding your head. It’s a perpetual...

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From Boomers to Millennials: Club Marketing Across Generations [Episode 16]

Connecting with your target audience is essentially the purpose of marketing. The challenge is relating to an audience that continues to evolve. From...

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How to Use Net Promoter Score to Optimize Your Customer Experience

Right now, you're likely reading this article on your phone, tablet, computer, or somebody might have even texted or emailed you the link, you name...

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Don't Forget About Content When You Outsource Lead Generation

Every company wants to exceed their business and sales goals. But what happens when you don’t have the right internal team members or infrastructure...

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Financial Sustainability for Clubs Starts with Solid Club Operations [Episode 15]

The road to sustainability for private clubs is one that requires vision and discipline, according to Professional Club Marketing Association...

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INBOUND 2018 Recap: Our Favorite Sessions and Takeaways

Sadly, #INBOUND18 has come and gone! Five members of the StoryTeller team spent the week sharing insights, links, and takeaways from their favorite...

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Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal Names StoryTeller a 2018 Best Places to Work

For the past 20 years, the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal's Best Places to Work list has been a Minnesota tradition — a must-read issue...

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Creating a Sales Culture: Driving Exponential Growth at Columbine CC

Columbine Country Club, just outside of Denver, Colorado, experienced exponential growth over the last three years due to what, Director of Sales and...

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Attract, Convert, Close: Free Tools to Modernize Your Club Marketing

If it's your job to get new members to join your club, you know traditional club marketing methods don’t yield great results. If you’ve been inspired...

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What Facebook's Changes Mean for Your Private Club (Shanna Bright) [Episode 13]

Social media is a huge part of our lives today. Even if your club isn’t engaged in social media, there’s a good chance that people who ARE engaged...

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Writing for Results: Anatomy of a Great Lead Nurturing Campaign

So, you've offered gated content on your website, and now you've gotten clicks and form submissions. Great news, you've got leads you always wanted!...

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Creating a Video Strategy to Grow Club Revenue and Reduce Expenses [Episode 12]

Look around online and it’s hard not to find video. From social media feeds to websites, video is everywhere. Yet it’s not enough to produce one...

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An Outsider's Perspective on Private Club Marketing

The national number of full-service country clubs continues to decline. We are all too aware of the reasons why this is happening: aging long-time...

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Don't Be a Marketing Zombie: Write Engaging Blogs not Blaaaaaaaghs

I can't take it anymore — these things are everywhere and they are eating people's brains for lunch! We as marketers are guilty of creating really...

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Building the Perfect Club Website (Joe Jerome) [Episode 11]

When did you last update your club website? If it's been more than three years, you're likely not realizing the full potential of your online...

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Creating Quality Content with a Clear, Non-Aggressive Call to Action

SEO and social media are effective ways to attract potential customers to your website, but once those visitors arrive, what do you want them to do?...

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