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4 min read

6 Tools to Supercharge Your Content Marketing Results

Being a content marketer is no easy task. Every day we are battling changing algorithms and chasing more and more data — and this is on top of already having to deliver really great educational and intriguing content. So you could say that we are kind of like superheroes…right?

But even Wonder Woman doesn’t do the job barehanded. She’s got a sword, shield, gauntlets and a lasso. It’s all about having the right tools to get the job done better and more efficiently. So here are a few suggestions for content marketing tools that can make your life easier while helping you do a better job!




Analyze Your Data Better

The great thing about digital marketing is that we have so much data. We all love to analyze our KPIs (key performance indicators), but often struggle to track them from dashboard to dashboard. Excel spreadsheets anyone? Fortunately, we’ve found a better solution.


Databox brings all of your digital data together in one space. It integrates the data from all of your favorite tools like Google Analytics, HubSpot, Zendesk and more. Databox allows you to get rid of the spreadsheets and stop having to go to multiple sites to get data — definitely a time saver. "The data volume is deafening," says Databox CEO Pete Caputa. "That's why we've narrowed our focus towards helping marketers make sense of all the data, so they can make smarter marketing optimization decisions as they execute campaigns." So get analyzing and put together a kick-ass marketing strategy based on the results.

Optimize Your Best-Performing Content

Google Search Console is one of the most under-utilized free tools out there. This tool allows you to see what keywords and pages on your site are already ranking on search results and get an idea of which ones are getting good insights but no ideal results. By optimizing your content for better click through rates you can start to see instant lifts from organic traffic results without having to create new pages or blog posts.


Ever since to loss of keyword-specific organic traffic reports, it's been much harder to understand which keywords are driving the lionshare of the results to your website. This tool helps put some of that data back in your hands.

With other tools that allow you to check the external links to your site, view indexing errors that need to be resolved and submit your site pages to be crawled by Google, there's no reason not to add this tool to your marketing toolkit.

Find Out What is Buzzing Online

Did you know that there are over 3 million new blog posts being written every. single. day? With all that noise, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to stand out from the crowd. So, it’s more and more important to incorporate tools that allow you to analyze what’s working for other companies. Enter BuzzSumo.  

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Warning – It is extremely easy to get sucked into a black hole of awesomeness that is BuzzSumo. Why? Because there is SO MUCH data that you can analyze and learn about. The options are really endless, my friend. BuzzSumo allows you to analyze what content or keyword is performing best online at that given time. See how much a title is shared, see what people are talking about around a certain keyword, and more.

This will help you refine your process and write content that you know your audience cares about right now. I recommend scheduling an allotted amount of time to delve into the trenches that are BuzzSumo or else chances are good that it will take up your whole day.

Check Your Page Loading Time

So many factors go into a good viewing experience for those visiting your website. This can be anything from great content to intriguing videos — but something you may not have thought about is your page loading time. People are impatient, and if your page takes too long to load, they are x’ing out faster than you can say “new lead.” Luckily, there are tools that can help you analyze your load times, like Pingdom Website Speed Test.

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Here’s a quick guideline of website speeds:

  • Below 1 second = perfect
  • 1-3 seconds = faster than average
  • 3-7 seconds = average
  • 7+ seconds = very poor

If you have slow load times, here are a few suggestions:

  1. Work with your web developer to improve HTTP request, server speed and technical aspects of your site that will make it run faster.
  2. Optimize your images and videos so they load quickly, be strategic about the number of graphic elements you use on your site and their total size.
  3. Fix broken links and redirects. Don’t know how to do that? Keep reading!

Monitor for Bad Links on Your Website

Links are an important component for SEO ranking. But links are also a fragile thing. Outbound links can be changed without your knowledge or internal links can be broken. This can especially happen when you have been blogging for a number of years. While it is definitely important to do an audit of your website frequently, you may not have time to go back and check all of the links on your site as much as you like.

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But of course, there is a tool to help! SEMrush is a technical SEO checker that finds broken links, missing meta descriptions, images with empty “alt”’ tags and more. Make sure that your website is in top health, set a reminder to take a look at these once a quarter to make sure that you aren’t losing your good standing with Google. If you stay on top of it, it should be a pretty simple task to complete.

Get in Touch with Influencers and Bloggers to Help Syndication

At some point in your life, chances are good you have heard someone say, it’s all about who you know. It’s true – connections help us get ahead in life!

When it comes to your content, influencers and bloggers are exactly who you want to be connected with. If you are not getting the traffic or conversion you want, an influencer could be a great solution.


But how do you find the one that is right for your business or product? There is a tool for that: Ninja Outreach. They make it easy to find bloggers and business leads by just typing in a keyword.  There is also a CRM feature of the tool that lets you organize all of your influencers and potential influencers.

There are a lot of tools in the market that are made to save you time, and this is no exception! So start syndicating that content!

So take this list, grab your shield and sword and start wrangling better content marketing results with these easy to use tools.

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