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Matt Chapman

As the Director of Content Operations, Matt keeps the content we produce on track. Whether it's written content like blogs or web copy, websites, graphics, or video production, Matt keeps the ship moving in the right direction. He's also our scrum master! Matt started his career as a television news producer (WREX, WHIO, and WCCO) before moving to sports broadcasting for the Minnesota Timberwolves & Lynx and then working in cable television helping to produce stories from around the world. And while he’s proud to be an award-winning producer, he’s much prouder of how his two kids are turning out. Instead of buying a sports car for a mid-life crisis, Matt decided to become a paid on-call firefighter in his adopted hometown.

benefits of podcasting for SEO

Benefits of Podcasting For SEO & How to Get Started

We’ve all heard the aphorism “a rising tide lifts all boats” in conjunction with the economy–but have you thought about it in terms of Search Engine...

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