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Kevin Page

Kevin Page is a former Account Strategist at StoryTeller Media + Communications. StoryTeller is an inbound marketing agency and video production company based in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis. Kevin blogs about marketing strategy. Find him on Twitter @krpage91.

25 Marketing Tasks To Do When Your Brain Has Checked Out for the Day

Rallying at the end of the day to get important tasks accomplished can be tough, but that doesn't mean that you should sit on Facebook and pretend to...

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How to Use Content Marketing to Grow Your Online Footprint

According to Mintel, 70 percent of American consumers shop online. That means more than 200 million people have access to your digital footprint. I’m...

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How to Use HubSpot Lead Flows to Convert More Website Visitors

You teeter on a fine line when asking your visitors for too much information in a form or when disrupting them from their main intent when visiting...

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5 Hidden Risks of Creating Boring Content

Is there anything worse than bad TV? You know, the kind of show that sounds just good enough to watch, but once you tune in you can’t get off the...

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Marketing ROI Reporting Templates and Tools That Really Rock

Proving the value of your marketing efforts is absolutely essential, but that doesn’t mean that you want to spend hours and hours creating customized...

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5 Powerful Hacks to Boost Landing Page Conversion

Your landing pages are the worker collecting tickets for the Ferris Wheel at the carnival. They can either calm fears and encourage people to take...

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Utilizing PPC Campaigns to Support Your Organic Content Strategy

When piecing together your digital marketing strategy, the list of tactics can be overwhelming and it may seem difficult to decide where to place...

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5 Stellar Pop-Up and Overlay CTAs that Convert (and a Few That Don't)

Here’s how it goes: you are scrolling through the feed of your favorite social media network and you see a brilliant, compelling headline. It offers...

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3 Simple Ways to Engage Your Website Visitors

Captivating visitors should be the top priority of your website. With viewer attention spans dwindling and online competition rising, it has become...

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5 Content Marketing Lies You Need to Stop Believing

Not all content is created equal. Marketing automation, social media, and the internet as a whole have lowered the barriers of publishing and...

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61 Inbound Marketing Tools to Boost Website Performance

The inbound marketing methodology, at its core, is actually pretty simple and easy to understand. It consists of 5 main components: Attract visitors...

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3 Rules for Successful Higher Education Lead Generation

It's no secret that the higher education landscape has become increasingly competitive, especially with easy access to the internet. According to a...

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4 Undeniable Benefits of Webinars for Lead Generation

Businesses are always looking for ways to generate new leads for the sales team. There are a lot of different methods to bring fresh leads. Buying...

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Understanding Facebook Live Video for Pages and Brands

Hey marketers, do you remember the glory days of Facebook when you could publish a post and a large percentage of your fans and followers would get...

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9 Pieces of Essential Website Advice for Digital Marketers

Whether you realize it or not, your website is the cornerstone of all your marketing efforts, and the one member of your team that promotes your...

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"How Often Should I Blog for SEO?" and Other Good Marketing Questions

I was recently able to attend a presentation at the Twin Cities Chapter of the Society for Marketing Professional Services. It was a great...

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How to Use Inbound Marketing to Generate Revenue in the New Year

Your business leads are the fuel of your company. Without leads your company won't generate revenue. Many companies spend hours, resources and money...

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Local Lead Generation: 6 Tips to Generate Local Leads for Your Company

When it comes to driving new business from your website, local lead generation is essential. Driving new traffic, leads and customers from your own...

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