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Kevin Page

Kevin Page is a former Account Strategist at StoryTeller Media + Communications. StoryTeller is an inbound marketing agency and video production company based in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis. Kevin blogs about marketing strategy. Find him on Twitter @krpage91.


Incorporating Advanced Workflows to Convert More Leads to Customers

One of the things that sets inbound marketing apart from other marketing methods is the use of email nurturing workflows — or more broadly, lead...

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Lost marketer

Are You in the 63% Navigating Without a Content Marketing Strategy?

Does the phrase “develop your yearly marketing strategy” make you cringe? You're not alone. Traditionally, these documents have been long, tedious,...

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INBOUND 2023 Entrance

AI Insights From INBOUND 2023

The takeaways and impact from INBOUND 2023 have stuck with me. The moment I stepped into the Boston Convention Center, I immediately knew I was in...

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Membership Referral Programs: 3 Solutions for the Challenges Clubs Face

Few things feel better than getting an email or phone call from one of your favorite members with the contact information for a colleague or friend...

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young golfer, marketing to millennials

A Young Golfer's View of Country Club Marketing to Millennials

I’m the type of person who loves everything about the sport of golf. Recently, I’ve become more and more interested in joining a private golf club....

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6 Essential SEO Optimization Tactics for Golf & Country Club Websites

When was the last time you went to the second page of Google's search results? Can you even remember? My guess is that it has been a while. As Google...

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closed-loop marketing

Why Closed-Loop Marketing is Essential to Your Success

We live in a data-driven world. Most marketers today could tell you which website pages get the most views, how much time the average visitor spends...

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Drive Club Membership: 3 Lead Generation Strategies for Your Website

Private clubs pride themselves on being the best when it comes to customer service and community. But there's one way that you might be failing to...

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Going Beyond Engagement: Using Social Media to Recruit the Right Members for Your Club

Social media has long been touted as the golden goose of the marketing world. With the right strategy, planning, and execution, your social channels...

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looking down at a conference center full of people

Attending HubSpot's INBOUND 2019? Here's How to Get the Most Out of It

HubSpot’s INBOUND 2018 Conference has come and gone, but if you are looking for highlights, check out our Inbound 2018 Recap blog for all our...

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The Beginner's Guide to Digital Marketing Analytics

Throughout the 20th Century, one of the biggest problems with marketing was that it was difficult to calculate its return on investment. Is that ad...

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The Modern Marketing Playbook: New Tactics to Try in 2019

With the start of a new year, comes the exciting opportunity to make a refreshing new start. The gyms are flooded with people trying to reach their...

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5 Unique Promotion Ideas for Marketing and Brand Awareness in 2019

As we kick off the new year, it can be difficult to come up with new, creative and unique promotional ideas that will help you meet your goals. If...

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Don't Forget About Content When You Outsource Lead Generation

Every company wants to exceed their business and sales goals. But what happens when you don’t have the right internal team members or infrastructure...

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INBOUND 2018 Recap: Our Favorite Sessions and Takeaways

Sadly, #INBOUND18 has come and gone! Five members of the StoryTeller team spent the week sharing insights, links, and takeaways from their favorite...

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Attract, Convert, Close: Free Tools to Modernize Your Club Marketing

If it's your job to get new members to join your club, you know traditional club marketing methods don’t yield great results. If you’ve been inspired...

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Don't Be a Marketing Zombie: Write Engaging Blogs not Blaaaaaaaghs

I can't take it anymore — these things are everywhere and they are eating people's brains for lunch! We as marketers are guilty of creating really...

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More Traffic, Less Work: Boost Blog Traffic Without Writing a New Post

It's a generally accepted truth that if you want more traffic, you just need to create more content. More blogs and website pages mean more...

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